Think you don’t need to have an active social media presence in your business? According to social media management company Sprinklr investors disagree and are putting their money where their web is.
Sprinklr’s announcement of a further $17.5M in investment funding stands to put them in front of a fleet of social media startups currently striving to fill the demand for businesses (in Sprinklr’s case, large enterprise companies) looking to keep on top of their growing social media presence.
For the uninitiated, social media marketing companies tackle the entire gamut of social media tools (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc) and strategically utilize them to drive brand engagement with an eye to customer action.
While it used to be fine to use an unpaid intern with an iPhone to ‘handle that internet thing’, the rise of social media management is an implicit sign that smart businesses are taking their social media profile seriously, so much so that its become the most important marketing tool in their arsenals.
Social media management clients use tools like Sprinklr to manage multiple brands and their 50 Facebook pages and its unlikely that a small business needs such a tool to manage their efforts despite the valuable analysis it can provide.
But as social media tools expand and multiply (Pinterest and Instagram are now major players) and businesses see the pivotal role that social media can and will play in their marketing efforts, managing those tools may well mean smaller companies looking to companies such as Sprinklr to provide the necessary solutions.
- Bob Klanac